August 9, 2011 MX2 SN12 Progress Visit
Part of the visit was purely a desire to see the plane in process and part
was needed to get factory training. The guys at MX are hammering away on
SN12 and making a lot of progress. All major flight surfaces are closed up
and they are working hard to get the fuselage finished.
I was particularly interested to see how the vertical stabilizer was built
and was happy to see that they had the ribs in and were just fitting the
vertical skins when I visited.
In addition to seeing her, I also got a chance to get proper factory training
for the bonding operations. I've used Hysol dozens of times but this time
I prepared, mixed, applied and attached components on my MX2 under factory
supervision. To date, MX has used an outside vendor to lay up the various
carbon skins, ribs and spars that are the piece parts used to assemble an MX2.
If I need bits in the future, I would simply purchase these items from MX.
My primary interest was in getting proper factory training for bonding the
bits in support of my repairman's certificate for MX2 SN12. This, or an
A&P, is required for doing the yearly condition inspections which are equivalent
to an Annual in the certified world.