Yellow White and Red Extra 300L
1996 Extra 300L Serial Number 020 220 hours total time airframe,
propeller and engine. The four blade MT propeller was last overhauled in
2002. Airframe, engine and the last three
pages of the propeller log books are here along with the Certificate of
Options include long range wing fuel tanks, cabin heater, smoke, electric
adjustable pedals and engine
pre-heater (oil and heads). There are both left and right sighting bars as well although they are not
currently mounted as there is no room for two planes in the hanger with the bars
attached. I also have a 110 hour total time three blade propeller in the
crate back from overhaul at MT which can be fitted to the plane as well.
The three blade propeller documents can be found here.
Frequently Asked Questions-
- Has the tail AD been complied with? Yes, the work was done by SouthEast
Aero including replacing the fabric (complied with SB 300-2-95 on 3-2-2008 201.1
hours TTAF).
- Is it a soft crank engine (subject to the Lycoming soft crankshaft AD
Service Bulletin 569A)? No, the AD is not applicable by engine serial
number and manufacture date (L-25731-48A is not on the list and the engine was
produced prior to January 1, 1997 per
MSB 569A Supplement No. 1)..
- How many owners have there been? I purchased the plane from the
person that took delivery of it at SouthEast Aero so I am the second owner.
- Is there any damage history? No.
- Was the plane grounded for any period of time? No. The
original owner flew it regularly then lost interest in it over the last few
years. We just completed an annual on the plane (5/11) and it showed one
hour of time on the tachometer since its last annual. I suspect this was
running the plane once a month and not flight time.
- Am I a dealer? No. I have a great deal of interest in these
planes and fly them daily. When I find one that is sitting in the back
of a hanger not being flown that I like, I make an offer on it. This is
how I ended up with this plane.
- Does the gear show any signs of rough field landings? No. there are no
horizontal markings on the landing gear.
- What is the condition of the fabric? The tail AD was done at 201
hours by SouthEast Aero in 2008 so the fabric is three years old with ten
hours of flight time so it is perfect.
- What is the condition of the canopy? Very good... No scratches.
- Has the plane been used for competition and/or air shows? The plane
was sold new to a private party and has not been used for competition or air
- The authorities in my country require the engine and propeller be within
manufacturer's overhaul limits for both calendar and hours run. Does
SN020 comply with this requirement? No. Both the engine and
propeller are original. The propeller was overhauled in 2002. MT
suggests a six year calendar overhaul so the propeller is out on calendar
time. MT propellers is local so it is a simple matter to provide the plane
with either a three or four blade propeller that is within calendar time.
Lycoming suggests 1400 hours or twelve years. The engine is out on
calendar time as well. The plane can be supplied with a zero time
Remanufactured engine
from Lycoming. Please see details below.
The following links are for a plethora of pictures I took during the last
annual (May 2011) to give the same view as the IA had and a
chance to judge the plane's condition for yourself. Page1,
Page2, Page3.
were three areas where the body filler and paint commonly cracks which you can see here in the
"Before" pictures along with some
pictures taken during the repair and an explanation of what I think is driving
this problem on early 300Ls.
What a previous buyer (269SG) had to
Zero Time Lycoming Engine Option -
A description of the engine and warranty can be found here Lycoming
lists the retail price of the AEIO-540-L1B5 engine at about $51,000 depending
upon variant. Lycoming’s published price list can be found here
or alternately here
part number RENPL-RT8544 . I am willing to provide the plane
with a Remanufactured engine for an additional $20,000.