The BOSS Series
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If you are like most racers, the thought of driving a 1620 pound modern open wheel car with over 800 horsepower and thousands of pounds of down force is just too much to resist. Luckily for all of us, there is Historic Sportscar Racing, Sportscar Vintage Racing Association, and the USBOSS Series.
Click here for my experience with BOSS and how to get a Lola Indy/ChampCar on the track. Warning, although I have tried to keep this site free of my personal opinions, this particular page is full of my opinions.
The Big Open Single Seat or BOSS concept was originated in the US by Historic Sportscar Racing (HSR) several years back*. BOSS consistes of modern high performance open wheel cars which are no longer eligible for professional competition. These include F1, Indycars, Indy Lites, ChampCars, IRL, F3000 and F5000 and Formula Atlantic. BOSS events are held at all the premier east coast tracks in the US including Road America, Watkins Glen and Road Atlanta. F1 and Indycars have even set outright track records at some of these tracks in 2004!
The idea behind BOSS, and vintage racing in general, is to create a safe environment to race the faster open wheel cars. Drivers must possess a Super License from HSR to run in a BOSS event. Track activity is closely monitored to curtail reckless behavior while still allowing entrants to race.
*Please see the note from Roger Cowman for more information on the origins of BOSS.